The Account Settings page offers actions to deactivate or delete a user and to retrieve data stored about the user from the system. These actions are available to individual users via their account menu in the upper right entry "Edit my data". Users with the Users And Groups Manager permission have the same panel available via the "Edit Details" dialog of a user.
Note: The configuration can restrict the actions a user can execute on this page. Therefore not all options may be available.

Deactivate Account
A deactivated user can not authenticate against the i-net Clear Reports server anymore. Only a user with the Users and Groups Manager will be able to reactivate this account. If a user is still logged in while being deactivated, they will be logged out of the system immediately.
Delete Account
Fully deleting an account means the user's data will be deleted permanently and can not be recovered. This includes settings as well as data specific to i-net Clear Reports.
Note: there may be some internal information about the user that can not be deleted immediately. This information is part of the Event Log for the Administrator of the server.
Stored User Data
The entry Show stored user data
generates an overview of all the data stored for the user. This way a user can know how much and which data i-net Clear Reports collected.