Accounting of costs
Time and monetary expenses can be evaluated in the i-net HelpDesk using the Drive application and are recorded during ticket processing, e.g. in the Tickets application. The basic prerequisite for this is usually the entry of processing times per ticket by the Resource Member. This does not apply to the definition of a ticket action or a processing step with flat rate remuneration, e.g. travel times.
Allocation of costs
The costs are usually calculated from the hourly rate of the resource multiplied by the time spent on the ticket. The following options exist for assigning costs:
Hourly rate of a resource.
Cost per action: Hourly rate of the resource, flat rate, or hourly rate and flat rate.
Special case: flat rate per user/customer
Hourly rate of a resource
Hourly rates of a resource are defined per resource in the application Users and Groups. The hourly rate is used for statistics in reports. It enables cost accounting by converting the times recorded in i-net HelpDesk into the costs.
Costs per ticket action
Costs per ticket action are set up in the configuration of ticket actions in the application Configuration → Ticket → Settings → Ticket Actions
. For each ticket action, one of the following costs can be calculated:
Hourly rate
The hourly rate of the resource applies.
Example: The ticket action "Edit" takes 2 hours. The cost of the resource is 65€ per hour. Then costs of 130€ are incurred for this one ticket action.
Flat rate
For this ticket action, a flat rate is incurred, which is independent of the duration of this ticket action. A distinction is made between the:
Action flat rate
Flat rate 1, 2 or 3 of the users/customers
The amount of the flat rate of a ticket action is entered in a field.
Example: The custom defined ticket action "flat rate" is assigned a cost amount of 50€. This means that the costs for this ticket action are fixed at 50€, regardless of how long it took the resource member to solve the issue.
The entries for flat rate 1, 2 or 3 refer to the end user/customer. The values are set up in the application Users and Groups for individual users. Examples of these flat rates can be travel costs or processing fees per end user/customer.
The name of the flat rates can be changed in the Configuration of user fields for the fields lumpsum1
- lumpsum3
Flat rate and hourly rate
The sum of flat rate and hourly rate of the resource is calculated. The flat rate is recorded in a field.
Example: Flat rate 50€, hourly rate of the resource 75€. If an employee was with the customer for 2 hours, then costs at a value of 200€ are incurred.
Reports: Accounting of costs
In the Drive application, reports are available under the Accounts grouping that show the time and financial expenditure required to complete the orders received.
Important: Completed orders without time expenditure are not included in any reports by time or by cost.
This means: if accounting of the effort is required, the resource member must be encouraged to enter a different time in the fields "From" and "To". Optionally, setting a processing time as mandatory can be set in the application Configuration → Components → Client → Resources → Checkbox: Entering processing times is mandatory.