Provides detailed information about the task specified by ID.
To perform an operation on the task, use one of the following commands.
Command | Description |
/<TaskID>/activate | Activates a task |
/<TaskID>/deactivate | Deactivates a task |
/<TaskID>/execute | Schedules immediate execution of a task |
/<TaskID>/delete | Deletes a task |
/<TaskID>/import | Import a task |
GET /api/taskplanner/<TaskID>
Requests detailed information about a single task. Structure of the JSON response is described on the page JSON representation of the task.
Example Response
{ "id": "3ikrj44zxi7b6j9bx3lttklw4", "name": "Comparison Task", "description": "", "owner": "INETSOFTWARE\\Adam", "ownerId": 8, "active": true, "lastmodified": 1491576701346, "series": null, "nextexecution": 0, "triggers": [ { "id": "trigger.filechange", "properties": { "folderpath": null, "filepath": "E:\\Documents\\reportABC.pdf", "type": "file" } } ], "jobs": [ { "id": "job.pdfc.comparison", "properties": { "comparison.collapse": "true", "comparison.detailed": "false", "comparison.document1": "E:\\Documents\\reportABC.pdf", "comparison.exportformat": "pdf", "comparison.collapse.print": "true", "comparison.profile": "d4d986tnbf46674a7ug1k7igp", "comparison.document2": "E:\\Documents\\reportXYZ.pdf" }, "conditionproperties": { "comparison.differences": "5" } } ], "resultactions": [ { "id": "result.print", "properties": { "file": "file.pdf", "printer": "Microsoft Print to PDF" }, "executionqualification": "ALWAYS" } ], "history": [ { "start": 1491576533013, "end": 1491576535403, "errors": [], "skippedresultactions": [], "executedseriescount": -1, "progress": 100 } ] }
Application Example
# Browser access # Shell access using curl curl -LsH "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" "" # Shell access using curl using username and password curl -Lsu username:password ""